Here, you can find a list of the conferences, meetings, and seminars I gave a
talk at. The pdf files of the talks are available for download, too. Poster
contributions and meetings without contribution are not listed here to keep the
list short. Still, posters are available upon request. In addition to that,
you can find a list of conferences I'm planning to attend in the future.
Invited talks:
Hot dust around main sequence stars, CalTech, USA, May 2015
Stellar coffee and planetary tea, ESO Garching, Germany, November 2014
MAD workshop 2014,
Cerro Calan, Santiago, Chile, November 2014 (talk)
AstroKolloquium FSU Jena, Jena, Germany, February 2014
Lab seminar IPAG Grenoble, Grenoble, France, January 2013
(talk, together with A. Bonsor)
Astronomisches Colloquium CAU Kiel, Kiel, Germany, February 2012
Past conferences:
Pathways 2015,
Pathways towards habitable planets, hot dust satellite meeting, Bern, Switzerland, July 2015
EWASS 2015,
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, VLTI community day, Tenerife, Spain, June 2015
HIRES 2014,
Astronomy at High Angular Resolution, ESO, Garching, Germany, November 2014
MAD workshop 2014,
Cerro Calan, Santiago, Chile, November 2014 (talk)
Planet Formation and Evolution 2014,
Kiel, Germany, September 2014
8th conference on Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems,
München, Germany, September 2012
7th conference on Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems,
Göttingen, Germany, February 2011
Northern Astronomical Colloquium, Kiel, Germany, January 2011
Northern Astronomical Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany, December
Science and team meetings:
PIONIER meeting on disk observations, Grenoble, France, June
SPICA/SAFARI Consortium Meeting, Groningen, Netherlands, March
EXOZODI team meeting, Meudon, France, February 2012
Herschel/DUNES face to face meeting, La Cristalera, Spain, August
Future conferences: